
HomeEquipmentPallet millPOSIEDGE optimized edger

POSIEDGE optimized edger



  • Produces the most profitable board edging patterns
  • Up to 50% more fbm on the edger line vs a manual operated line
  • Nothing less than the best edging system of the market
  • For pallet components boards from 40’’ to 72’’ long
  • Ultra high production speed up to 60 boards per minutes
  • Infeed-sawbox-outfeed one piece design: the shortest footprint of the industry
  • Thrue-shape scanning and optimization providing the most profitable edging patterns
  • Allows full positioning of the boards according to the optimized solutions
  • Uses the  industry leader Posiedge infeed system
  • Inotech exclusive maintenance free servo-motors positioning system
  • Innovator maintenance free saw guides mounted on bearings
  • Produces 1 or 2 boards (uses 2 or 3 saws)
  • Simple and less parts than any other system
  • Over 20 years of development behind the Posiedge technology