POSIEDGE gangsaw
Category: Optimized sawing systems
- Allows full numeric optimized sawing of the cants
- Produces up to 30% more fbm than a manual infeed!
- Nothing less than the best optimized transversal system of the market
- Thrue-shape optimization that calculate the most profitable sawing patterns
- Allows full positioning of the cants according to the true shape optimizer solutions
- Singulates, scan, place and saw all sizes of cants
- Uses the industry leader Posiedge infeed system that offering the most precise cants positioning
- Inotech exclusive maintenance free servo-motors positioning system
- High speed, as fast as the gang saws can take it!
- Process cants from 4’ long up to 24’ long
- Single or double arbor gang saw
- Guided or flange saws
- For hardwood and softwood
- Pneumatic and electrical components, no hydraulics
- Simple and less parts than any other system
- Many configurations available; customized for your needs!